switch《石器时代:数字版(Stone Age:Digital Edition)》[NSP]英日+1.2.1补丁
switch《石器时代:数字版(Stone Age:Digital Edition)》[NSP]英日+1.2.1补丁,带你穿越回史前时代,从原始工具开始,建立你的部落。平衡资源争夺和食物收集,以创造最先进的文明。
Stone Age: Digital Edition
What can you do in Stone Age: Digital Edition?
In Stone Age, you take on the role of a prehistoric human. Beginning with archaic tools, you collect wood, stone, and gold to attain higher levels of knowledge and build sturdier structures. With resources being scarce, you must compete for the limited number of spaces on the board that produce them while also gathering food to feed your growing tribe.
How bright is humanity's future? It depends on You!
How do you play Stone Age: Digital Edition?
In Stone Age, the players live in this time, just as our ancestors did. They collect wood, break stones and wash their gold from the river. The players expand their village to achieve new levels of civilization.
The rules are simple! In Stone Age: Digital Edition the turn is divided into 3 steps:
*Place your workers! - Decide what you need and send out your people to get it!
*Collect your workers! - Build tools and buildings with the resources you gathered!
*Feed your workers - There's nothing better than a well-deserved meal after a day's work!
How to win in Stone Age: Digital Edition?
In Stone Age there are a limited number of spaces, so you must determine the best actions to take each round. It’s up to you to develop your tribe by gathering resources, constructing new buildings, and advancing their culture while also maintaining enough food to feed your people.
What can you expect?
*Immersive gameplay in the era of the Stone Age!
*Worker placement mechanics - you are responsible for your own tribe!
*Near infinite replayability!
*Great game to start your adventure with board games!
*Online ranking system with divisions!
*Synchronous and asynchronous online game modes!
*Official Stone Age rules consulted with the designers of the board game!
*Unique experience of a board game with the convenience of a digital platform!
Software description provided by the publisher.
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